Browse the project source code in my github repository:
JSekyll - minimalistic Static Site Generator in JavaScript
Contact: Robert Nowotniak «»
I have abandoned this project, and I’ve decided to move to a different SSG
This tool is a minimalistic Static Site Generator inspired by Jekyll. Thanks to its simplicity it allows to keep all processing under your control. However, only a subset of Jekyll features is supported. Neither it is 100% compatible with original Jekyll.
Implemented features
- Two run modes: build / serve
- Serving site locally in dev mode (Express JavaScript lib)
- MarkDown support with (Marked JS lib)
- Liquid templates support (LiquidJS)
- Live Reload (browser-sync)
- Load data from _data/*.yml
- Process files selectively
- Multi-language support
- Page variables: {{ page.var }}
- _layouts/ directory
- _includes/ directory
- _config.yml configuration file (to liquid vars site.var)
- Multi-files support
- Frontmatter support
Example site
$ ./jsekyll.js -s tests/testpage1/ build
building site tests/testpage1/ -> ./_site
Loading _config.yml and _data/*.yml
permalink: '/:categories/:year/:title/',
title: 'My test website',
email: '',
layout: 'layout1',
defaults: [
{ scope: [Object], values: [Object] },
{ scope: [Object], values: [Object] }
highlighter: 'none',
kramdown: {
input: 'GFM',
highlighter: false,
syntax_highlighter: false,
syntax_highlighter_opts: { disable: true }
-> Processing
Yaml: { title: 'Page 2', permalink: '/page2/' }
Writing ./_site//page2//index.html
-> Processing
Yaml: { title: 'debug' }
Writing ./_site/debug/index.html
-> Processing index.html
Yaml: { myval: 5, title: 'My test page' }
html file
Writing ./_site/index.html
-> Processing
Yaml: { title: 'Page 1', permalink: '/page1/' }
Writing ./_site//page1//index.html
-> Processing index-pl.html
Yaml: { title: 'My website - Polish version', permalink: '/pl/' }
Writing ./_site//pl//index.html
Serve and test
$ ./jsekyll.js s -P 5000
serving site
TODO perhaps some day in the future
- themes
- plugins
Not supported and not planned
Simply because I was never using these in Jekyll:
- - Jekyll SSG, which inspired this work
- - another SSG in JavaScript (React SSG)
- (Next.js tutorial)